
Sometimes the target key is not enough information to decide, if you want to invoke a rule or not, so you have the condition key. It will be invoked when the target matches and the consequence is allowed by the rule's concurrency. The condition is a function that recieves the action the getState method and the context and should return a boolean:

import {addRule} from 'redux-ruleset``

  id: 'feature/LOG_NEXT_COLOR',
  target: 'products/SET_FILTER',
  condition: (action, {getState, context}) => action.meta.filterKey === 'color',
  consequence: action => console.log('next color:', action.payload)

dispatch({ type: 'products/SET_FILTER', meta: {filterKey: 'color'}, payload: 'red' })
// > next color: red

dispatch({ type: 'products/SET_FILTER', meta: {filterKey: 'size'}, payload: '30' })
// > nothing

results matching ""

    No results matching ""